Rain Harvesting by Blue Mountain Co. High-Level Tank Overflow
Rain Harvesting offers a complete range of Tank Overflow Outlets for flat wall and corrugated tanks. Mozzie Stoppa™ Flap Valves and Screens can fit directly into these outlets to insect proof the rainwater tank. The High-Level Flanged Tank Overflow Outlets are ideal for flat wall tanks (especially poly tanks) and will add approximately 120mm of water to the tank before overflowing.
Rain Harvesting by Blue Mountain Co. High-Level Tank Overflow
Rain Harvesting offers a complete range of Tank Overflow Outlets for flat wall and corrugated tanks. Mozzie Stoppa™ Flap Valves and Screens can fit directly into these outlets to insect proof the rainwater tank. The High-Level Flanged Tank Overflow Outlets are ideal for flat wall tanks (especially poly tanks) and will add approximately 120mm of water to the tank before overflowing.